

  • Bitcoin 2.97911
    $62,035.00 1866.98%
  • Ethereum 2.63502
    $2,390.77 63.84%
  • Tether 0.10572
    $1.00 0.00077158%
  • BNB 1.82997
    $556.96 10.23%
  • Solana 3.27097
    $135.55 4.49%
  • USDC -0.13195
    $1.00 0.00076021%
  • XRP 0.85919
    $0.58 0.00544246%
  • Lido Staked Ether 2.76223
    $2,390.02 66.88%
  • Dogecoin 3.34105
    $0.10 0.0034028%
  • Toncoin 2.44752
    $5.64 0.132226%
  • TRON -0.31574
    $0.15 -0.00021766777462878%
  • Cardano 4.80036
    $0.35 0.0162261%
  • Avalanche 9.56698
    $25.95 2.29%
  • Wrapped stETH 2.79001
    $2,815.44 79.71%
  • Wrapped Bitcoin 2.8413
    $61,901.00 1768.1%
  • Shiba Inu 4.86384
    $0.00 6.79624E-7%

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Crypto Live Exchange Rates

Symbol Name USD Change 1h Change 12h Change 24h
BTC Bitcoin 62,035 3.10294% 2.97911% 2.97911%
ETH Ethereum 2,391 2.74362% 2.63502% 2.63502%
USDT Tether 1 0.07716% 0.10572% 0.10572%
BNB BNB 557 1.87128% 1.82997% 1.82997%
SOL Solana 136 3.42713% 3.27097% 3.27097%
USDC USDC 1 0.07603% -0.13195% -0.13195%
XRP XRP 1 0.93943% 0.85919% 0.85919%
STETH Lido Staked Ether 2,390 2.87876% 2.76223% 2.76223%
DOGE Dogecoin 0 3.38507% 3.34105% 3.34105%
TON Toncoin 6 2.40066% 2.44752% 2.44752%
TRX TRON 0 -0.1452% -0.31574% -0.31574%
ADA Cardano 0 4.85865% 4.80036% 4.80036%
AVAX Avalanche 26 9.67511% 9.56698% 9.56698%
WSTETH Wrapped stETH 2,815 2.91352% 2.79001% 2.79001%
WBTC Wrapped Bitcoin 61,901 2.94033% 2.8413% 2.8413%
SHIB Shiba Inu 0 5.13859% 4.86384% 4.86384%

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